Frequently Asked Questions

If you want to save money from the sun, Solar is the best investment for you. Solar allows you to save on your monthly electric bills plus it also allows you to save the planet by going green. Solar energy is a true form of renewable clean energy which leads to zero pollution (air, noise, land) and emits no greenhouse gases mitigating climate change.
Yes. The electricity produced by a solar power system is no different than the electricity you get from your electricity distribution company. The only difference is the source. Moreover, it is among the safest source of electricity consumption because it is neither hazardous nor does it release any toxic or harmful gases during production.
You can use the empty space on your roof to install a solar system which will convert sunlight into electricity for your house or building. Such a system is referred to as a rooftop solar system.
There are 3 types of Solar systems depending on whether the plant is linked to the power grid or battery systems for storage. • On-grid solar systems use common solar inverters and are connected to the public electricity grid. Any excess solar power that you generate is exported to the electricity grid and one usually get paid a feed-in-tariff or credits for the energy you export. The policy for getting credits for energy exported to the credit is termed as “Net-Metering Policy” and is available currently in most states of India. • Off-grid solar systems are not connected to the electricity grid and therefore requires battery storage. An off-grid solar system must be designed appropriately so that it will generate enough power throughout the year and have enough battery capacity to meet the home’s requirements, even in the depths of winter when there is less sunlight. • Hybrid solar systems combines solar and battery storage in one and are now available in many different forms and configurations. This means being able to store solar energy that is generated during the day and using it at night. When the stored energy is depleted, the grid is there as backup, allowing consumers to have the best of both worlds.
Yes, Solar panels do produce electricity in cloudy or rainy weather albeit with reduced efficiency. This fall in production is considered in the unit generation estimates provided for every project.
No, rooftop solar PV does not function or generate electricity during a blackout due to safety reasons. Since blackouts occur when the electricity grid is damaged. If a solar inverter was still feeding electricity into a damaged grid, it would risk the safety of the people repairing the fault in the network. Solar Square Energy provides the option of using a Li-ion storage battery with Solar power plants for areas which suffer from frequent power failures. This battery unit can store the excess electricity produced during the day and acts as a backup for any electricity requirement during night or in the event of a power failure.
The production level of a solar plant depends on multiple factors like radiation levels, amount of sunlight received, plant design and quality of components. On an average, 1 KW solar plant produces 4 units of electricity per day
Solar Power plants are used to power all types of heavy machinery in industrial plants as well as household electrical and electronic appliances. Since the electricity produced from the plant is fed in sync with your grid/diesel generator, there are no voltage fluctuations irrespective of the number of appliances you use.
The size of your Solar plant depends on the following factors • Your electricity consumption pattern • Available shadow free area • Solar irradiation in your area Once you enlist your interest in a solar project, SolarSquare conducts a scientific mapping of the appropriate project size for you.
Net Metering is a system that gives solar energy owners credits for the power that they add to the grid. When solar panels produce excess power, that power is sent to the grid. And this power can be ‘taken back’ when the solar plants are not functioning – example, during the night. When a unit of solar energy that has been ‘net metered’, the bi-directional electricity meter will run backwards. Customers are billed only for the ‘net’ energy use.
The Solar Plant life is 25 years. The main components are solar panels and inverters. Solar panels have a warranty of 25 years and inverter warranty ranges from 5-12 years.
A Solar Rooftop module comprises minimal moving parts and hence has very low maintenance cost. SolarSquare Energy provides first 5-year maintenance free of cost to clients ensuring a hassle free experience for all our customers.
SolarSquare Energy has a UL certification (one of the highest quality and safety standards in the world) and ensures that no damage to the existing structures takes place during the installation or running of the solar plant. We use a multitude of techniques like non-penetrating structures and waterproofing solutions to ensure your roof’s integrity.
It is a good practice to clean the solar panels 1-2 times a month. It is safer to clean the panels early in the morning or at night when no incident sun rays are present and the power plant is not producing any electricity. You can simply use a clean wet cloth, soft nylon brush or sponge to wipe the surface but ensure the panels are clear of any moisture. Don’t use metal brushes or detergents as these may streak the glass of the panel.
Solar power plants can be installed on almost any type of roofs irrespective of their shape or material type. In cases where the construction material is brittle (Asbestos) or the roof integrity is compromised, SolarSquare Energy provides roof replacement solutions as part of the solar rooftop project.
Solar power plants are installed in the shadow free areas which receive maximum sunlight throughout the day. SolarSquare Energy ensures accurate mapping and maximum utilization of available area for calculating optimum plant size.
The cost of a solar plant depends on its size, configuration and degree of supporting structures required. We provide you multiple options to choose from, designed specifically to meet your requirements.
Rooftop solar projects are among the most lucrative investments for industrial, commercial and residential projects. The breakeven is achieved in 2-4 years itself, while you enjoy savings for the project life of 25 years.
In a Capex model, the entire investment comes from the power consumer. The consumer hires a solar EPC company who provides turnkey installation of the entire solar power system and hands over assets to consumers. EPC also does annual operation and maintenance (O&M) of plant. In the OPEX model, an investor or project developer (sometimes called Renewable Energy Service Company –RESCO) invests the CAPEX and the consumer pays for the energy consumed. Both consumer and developer sign a long-term power purchase agreement (PPA) for an agreed tenure & tariff.
SolarSquare Energy provides lucrative EMI options while also facilitating collateral free loan facilities provided by various banking institutions for solar projects.